Flowers to Rajkot, Cakes n Gifts Delivery in Rajkot, Gujarat: Free
Remarkable Goodies Gift Hamper for Holi

Win the hearts of your close ones by sending this Remarkable Goodies Gift Hamper for Holi and mesmerise them by your sweet gesture. This hamper arrives with:
1. 3 pcs Ferrero Rocher
2. Lottee Coffee Bite
3. Premium Handmade Assorted Jeera Cookies
4. Premium Handmade Assorted Badam Cookies
5. Bran Litchi Fruit Drink
6. Nestle Munch
7. Smart Choice Chocolate Wafers
8. Dukes Waffy Chocolate Wafers
9. Cadbury Dairy Milk Bar
10. Cadbury Chocobakes Cookies Box
11. Cornitos Nacho Chips
12. Free Colorful Herbal Gulal (2 pkts)
13. Arranged in a Wooden Stand

Price - Rs. 1889

Earliest Delivery : 18-MaySmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.

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