Flowers to Rajkot, Cakes n Gifts Delivery in Rajkot, Gujarat: Free
Fun-Filled Holi Sweets N Dry Fruits Hamper with Free Gulal

Enjoy Holi by sending this Fun-Filled Holi Sweets N Dry Fruits Hamper with Free Gulal to your friends and relatives. This gift hamper contains:
1. Haldiram Kesar Laddu (Airtight Box) (250 gm)
2. Haldiram Kaju Roll (200 gm)
3. Pistachio (100 gm)
4. Cashew (100 gm)
5. Haldiram Bhujia (35 gm)
6. 4pack Herbal Gulal Free (100g each)

Price - Rs. 2095

Earliest Delivery : 20-MaySmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.

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