Flowers to Rajkot, Cakes n Gifts Delivery in Rajkot, Gujarat: Free
Delightful Haldiram Delectables with Herbal Gulal for Holi Celebrations

Enjoy Holi by sending Delightful Haldiram Delectables with Herbal Gulal for Holi Celebrations to your friends and relatives. This gift comes presented with:
1. Haldiram Mini Samosa - 250 gm
2. Haldiram Chanachur - 250 gm
3. Haldiram Soan Papdi - 1 kg
4. Haldiram Kaju Barfi - 200 gm
5. Ralli Singh Sharbat Rose - 1 kg
6. Haldiram Bhujia - 250 gm
7. Haldiram Laddu - 500 gm
8. Haldiram Gula Jamun - 1 kg
9. 4 packet Herbal Gulal - 100g each

Price - Rs. 4385

Earliest Delivery : 17-MaySmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.

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