Flowers to Rajkot, Cakes n Gifts Delivery in Rajkot, Gujarat: Free
Enticing Chocolate Tower With Xmas Decorative Combo

Order for delivery of Enticing Chocolate Tower With Xmas Decorative Combo to your special one. This Xmas Chocolate Tower is made of -
1. American Fruit Cake (100g)
2. 16pcs Ferrero Rocher Moments Chocolate Box
3. Cadbury Celebration Assorted Chocolate Box (118g)
4. Sapphire Fruit n Nut Chocolate Coated Tin Box (90g)
5. A Box of Free Christmas Decoration is also included

Price - Rs. 2089

Earliest Delivery : 21-MaySmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.

Make It Extra Special With Below Listed Add-On