Flowers to Rajkot, Cakes n Gifts Delivery in Rajkot, Gujarat: Free
Marvelous Assorted Winter Wellness Box

Bring the feeling of happiness by sending this Marvelous Assorted Winter Wellness Box into the life of your most special person. This Hamper comprises of-
1. Vaseline Intensive Care Revitalizing Green Tea (400 ml)
2. Nivea Soft, Light Moisturising Cream, Berry Blossom (100 ml)
3. Nivea Soft, Light Moisturising Cream, Chilled Mint (100 ml)
4. Yardley London Morning Dew Compact Perfume (18 ml)
5. Pears Naturale Coconut Water Bathing Bar (125 g)
6. Ponds Light Moisturiser (150 ml)
7. Ponds Moisturizing Cold Cream (100 ml)
8. 1 Square Wooden Tray

Price - Rs. 2289

Earliest Delivery : 23-MaySmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.

Make It Extra Special With Below Listed Add-On